A Force in Santa Cruz
Paul Lee is an American philosopher, leader, teacher, and friend. He played a critical role in advancing the organic food production movements and preserving the beauty and nature of UC, Santa Cruz.
Paul had a vision of a greener future, one in which there would be a reversion from perverse practices of industrial food production to more organic practices that would protect the integrity of nature - the essence of this he would call “Ecotopia”. The vision of Ecotopia would come to gain popularity and amass into a nationwide trend toward ecocentric systems.
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This movie was taken & created by Eric Thiermann before Dr Lee's passing.

Paul A. Lee
The Man Behind the Scenes Who Made it All Possible
Paul Lee is a retired Professor of Philosophy and Theology living in Santa Cruz, California where he continues his work with the homeless crisis supporting Food Not Bombs (Keith McHenry) and the Warming Center (Brent Adams).
Read more about him at
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